

Handling (Tar/GZip) and (Tar/Bzip2) archives

To extract:

tar xvf packagename.tar.gz
Note: tar is an application which can extract files from an archive, decompressing if necessary.

-x means extract.
-v means verbose (list what it is extracting).
-f specifies the file to use.

Decompressing ".gz" files

gunzip file.gz

Decompressing ".bz2" files

bunzip2 file.bz2

Note: You can also decompress a package first by using the command gunzip (for .gz) or bunzip2 (for .bz2), leaving the .tar file. You would then use tar to extract it.

To create a .gz archive:

tar cvfz packagename.tar.gz folder

To create a .bz2 archive:

tar cvfj packagename.tar.bz2 folder